Friday, February 1, 2008

Active Isolated Stretching

So I had my 3 day intensive seminar, and I am very excited about the AIS method. I learned that I have practically no good strength, but I also learned exciting ways of reducing neuropathy, those dowager humps, forward head posture, and more! I also got exciting new products, including seatbelts, a foam ball, and a rope (to use for leverage). I can't wait to hear all the comments when I strap people down.

I have not really implemented AIS at work yet as I am taking this week to decompress a little. I did manage to get one of the dvds converted for ipod use, so I can take my rope with me to the gym and follow along. I still have to get the Assisted one copied, as well as the Strength dvds. This way I can play the videos during sessions, too, if I need to show an example. I originally scoffed at the idea of video ipods, but now I can see how useful it might be!

I still need to get some rope/karate belts as well as some Specific Stretching for Everyone books so I can loan stuff to people to do this on their own. It won't be effective if people don't keep it up! I need to have it all ready to go so there won't be excuses for not doing the "homework".

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