Thursday, February 14, 2008


Wednesday's workout - 40 minutes of cycling
Thursday's workout - 30 minutes of running

I recently borrowed a couple of Spinervals dvds from my friends. I decided to use the easier one first. This medium-intensity workout is called Ride Strong with Team Clydesdale. I was proud of myself for making it all the way through the workout, unlike the spinning class I took in DC where I had to stop for a little bit, but man am I feeling it!

I think I'm going to get a few other Spinervals dvds, because I liked being able to participate in a spin class without having to actually attend a spin class. I got the video onto my ipod, then strapped the armband around the handlebar post so I could watch while spinning. It worked really well!

I don't understand the big chain small chain stuff, and I was on a spin bike with a tension knob so I just guessed where I should be from the perceived exertion percentage. I perceived enough exertion by the end of it, for sure.

I followed up with a swim, but I just wasn't feeling it. I need to contact the swim department about getting a coach.

Today I ran for 30 minutes. I took a few walk breaks, because I ran outside and that's usually what I do, but I did try to run for a good bit of it even though my thighs are killing me! Stairs are particularly fun. I used the Nike+ thing again today, but I set it for time and not for distance. I didn't have a chance to calibrate the measurements. Also, the training plan doesn't specify distances yet, just time.

I'm almost thankful tomorrow is a swim.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep going there D!! We are cheering for you!!!