Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just Like Riding A Bicycle?

I finally got to the gym today. I could have done a swim session because Tuesday nights is the late women's only swim, but instead I decided to do the Spinervals Ride Strong. Completing the Ride Strong workout session is a good judge of my fitness level.

I was irritated during my workout because the gym was having a cardio-fitness class and the instructor played the music So. Loud. it overpowered my earphones. I had to use the stupid earbuds that came with the ipod because I've misplaced my In-Ear ones and the buds were easier to find. I need to get more doohickeys for the Shur earphones. I also have a pair of these Skullcandy buds, but I'm not sure they sell replacement doohickeys for them. (Aha, they do!) Anyway, I'll be happier when I have the in-ear ones working.

I'm afraid I might be coming down with The Plague, so I chose to sweat rather than get cold in the pool It was hard doing that video! Man, two weeks was too long. I did complete the video and I didn't skip any parts, which was good. Now I'm going to try to rest, if the Insomnia Fairy leaves me alone.


Sandi said...

Sounds like time to get out that Aladdin-style teapot for a nose wash (I forget what it's actually called) to help get rid of that Plague?

phillytrigirl said...

It's called a neti pot. I've also heard putting hydrogen peroxide in your ears can help with cold prevention. So far I have to say anecdotally for me it does work.