Friday, September 12, 2008

Taper Week

I have been so sore from the ChiRunning Workshop that I have fallen again into a very quiet on the exercise front Taper Week.

On Monday I went for a bike ride and had the aim to brick as a way to move some of the lactic acid out of my muscles. I biked for almost 1.5 hours. I wasn't really pushing too hard, and I also had to stop every now and then because there was this weird noise coming from my bike. The last time I stopped the guy who sold me my bike stopped to help. That was kind of funny. Turns out the frame pump slid down from it's position a little and the crank was banging into it. Easy peasy problem to solve!

I tried to brick afterwards but my legs hurt so badly I didn't want to push it. Also, I'm a wuss when it comes to pain!

I was going to try to swim this week, but timing just isn't coming together for me. I'm really hoping the weather will cooperate so we don't have to du. There is a practice swim on Saturday, so at least I'll be able to get swim time in then. Also, woohoo! I found out that we are in the 7:30 am swim wave! Which means I have 5.5 hours to complete the tri! Man I hope I can do that.

I should be getting my tri stuff together and sleeping. So I will leave you with this article on Nation's Newbies and helpful tips. Make sure you read all the way to the end!

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