Sunday, January 6, 2008

My First Brick Workout

I haven't been on my bike since before Thanksgiving, so I was way overdue for a bike ride. Thanks to Global Warming, it was a balmy 50+ degrees out. With the weather so mild I ended up in my regular bike shorts and my new Super Grover short sleeved jersey instead of worrying about my awkwardly padded long bike tights.

I am a slow "athlete". I sometimes get discouraged as cyclist after cyclist passes me and quickly is out of sight. I have a hybrid bike, with pretty fat tires, and it's just not speedy. Even so, I managed to pedal almost the entire 10 miles, ending up with about 5 minute/mile. Felt pretty good as I got off the bike at my car.

I don't know yet how long one should plan for a transition time, but I managed to put my bike back on my car rack, lock it in, take my helmet off, and add the fuel belt I got for Christmas (thanks sis!) under 2 minutes. Which I thought was pretty good.

And then came the run. WHY do people do this? The first mile of my 3 mile run was extremely hard. My legs just did not feel like they belonged to me, and instead I had some weird rubber stilt type appendages in their place. I got a new watch so that I could plan out my run/walk intervals, but since this was the first time I used it apparently I didn't push the start properly to have it count down! I don't know how long I was oddly jogging before I decided I did something wrong, but I did get it to count down properly after a bit. I think I averaged about 13 minutes per mile, which is a bit slower than what I can sometimes do, but my first time running post bike.

All in all I am pleased with my first brick workout. Tomorrow -- first time in the pool!


Anonymous said...

Hah! Drew and I had to laugh about the first mile of the run in a brick workout. Those brick workouts can be brutal! They do get better, but they're usually something athletes "are working on." :) Nice transition time, too! Way to go!

phillytrigirl said...

As to transition time, well, I don't have clipless pedals, so there wasn't any footwear fussing.