Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder?

Sorry for the delay in updates. I have wiring issues from fingers and toes, I haz no internets wherever I goes! Between cranky computer issues and training/work I have not been able to post!

On Sunday I ran 6 miles. I like to run on the bike path in the Valley Forge Park, partly because it's is nice and flat, and partly because the bike path is marked every .5 mile. I wish I were faster. I at least was consistent with my time for the Jingle 10k race - 78 minutes. I bought some Muscle Milk the week before and finally tried it out. I put some in 1 of the flasks on my fuel belt, and kept the other 4 flasks water. I have come to the conclusion that muscle milk is kind of gross, even if it is chocolate flavored. Soy protein is just not something I think I will ever like. I do love water; 4 7 oz flasks is only just enough for 6 miles when I have to provide all my own water. I knew I should have filled the 6th flask! Fuel belt is still comfy, for those who were wondering. I also still love Jelly Belly Sport Beans for a quick jolt of energy and an easy mental reward. Much tastier than the Muscle Milk!

Six miles of running is really hard on my knees. For one thing I stink at stretching, even though as a massage therapist I yell at my patients when they don't stretch. On the plus side, I am taking a whole stretching seminar next weekend (Active Isolated Stretching) so I will not have that excuse for much longer. Also, running is just not kind to the body. I need to do better with pacing; I got slower and slower with each mile. All in all I was proud of myself, but for sure pretty exhausted and sore.

Monday was a rest day, because I forgot my swim suit at home and did not have time to go retrieve it.

Tuesday I got to the gym and had the intention of working on the bike, but I started on the treadmill to warm up and just kept going. I used the one treadmill that has quick buttons to jump between "jogging" at 4 mph and "running" at 6mph so I could easily go between the two. I generally run on a flat path as I am averse to hills, but since the treadmill is a wee bit easier on my body I decided to try to do interval training and increase the incline. I started at 5 minutes of jogging (=14 min per mile) at zero incline and then did 1 minute of running (=10 min per mile). I dropped back down to jogging, but increased the incline to 3, jogged for 5 minutes and then ran for 1. I repeated this for another cycle, except I kept the run at 2 minutes before dropping down to jogging. At this point I got bored (about 20 some minutes in) but I was close enough to 2 miles that I just decided to get to 3 miles and then quit. I lowered the incline, played with the speed, got t0 3 miles and quit. Drank some more water, did 5 useless minutes on the Stair Master (I have always hated the stair master, but thought I should do more than just run for some reason probably because I am insane), drank more water, and eased my way down to the locker room to change into my swimsuit.

I brought my mask and snorkel this time, hoping it would help with the swimming and breathing problem. Unfortunately all I discovered was a) I had to keep my face down for if I tried to look ahead at the wall water got in the snorkel, and b) I was doing hyperventilation breaths. As my legs already were a bit tired from the run it was fairly useless, as workouts go.

I do have a swimming-related question. Why, when I was the ONLY person in the pool until some guy came in, did he choose the lane right next to me for swimming? I chose that lane so I would be away from people, not to swim right next to people! He was a much better swimmer than I, so after a half-hearted attempt to try to get 10 laps in I just gave up. I think I sort of managed 8 or 9 laps.

I stopped by the library on my way to work and picked up a few books on swimming. Hopefully I'll learn something before tomorrow's workout. I'm going to bike first and then swim. Silly gym schedule so is not working for me. I would much rather swim first, but the pool is still only open from 12-3. Oh well, students return next Monday so the schedule should be more accessible soon.

I weighed myself on a friend's scale today. I need to get a new battery for mine. I was somewhat pleased with the result, but I have no idea what I was before I started training to know if I'm having much weight loss. Don't really care what the scale says, as I can clearly see more muscle definition in my legs!

Hopefully the phone lines (DSL) and computers will cooperate tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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