Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Hill Keeps Besting Me

Today I decided to bike to Trader Joe's to get some groceries. It's sort of a cheap workout, as it's not even 4.5 miles round-trip. However, I live in a neighborhood with some gently rolling hills. These hills are so gently rolling that you don't even notice them when driving, but I certainly notice them when trying to pump myself up on my own steam!

My goal is to someday get to Trader Joe's without needing to stop for a break one or multiple times. I hope to achieve this through spinning classes or drills to get me standing while biking, as this is supposed to give me extra oomph. I did actually get into a standing position once today. I just don't have great confidence in my ability to not fall off. The hills aren't nearly as difficult to master on the return trip, which is good since I'm usually loaded up with groceries at that point.

After noshing on a yummy black bean burrito, I got my swim stuff together and headed to the pool. It'll be my last swim this week, due to the limited hours available during winter break. I managed to swim 10 laps, but I am still having some issues. My plan is to bring my mask and snorkel to my next swim session so I can get my body used to the movement without panicking over the breathing. Hopefully this is a smart plan.

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