Thursday, April 17, 2008

Scratching My Head

I had a very "what happened" moment yesterday. I went for a 3 mile run. I like to run with music to keep me motivated, so for the last couple of times I've kept the interval timer display on my watch because I don't hear the beeps. So I haven't been paying much attention to the minute/mile figures. Imagine my surprise yesterday to fine I shaved about 1min/mile off my usual time! Instead of 12.5 minute miles I was doing 11.5 for all three, not just the first one (like usual)!

Today I went back to the bike store to have them swap out my pedals. I also bought my own pedal wrench and a couple more pairs of bike shorts. Then I went to the park on this glorious day and rode for an hour. I pushed for the first mile and was about a minute faster than I was before clipping in. Then I just sort of relaxed and didn't watch the clock. I also wasn't watching the mileage so I don't know how many miles I got in.

Tomorrow will be another swim day. Unlike Tuesday though I'm going to attempt to actually swim and not just try to get comfortable with my face in the water. (Which didn't actually work. Breathing and water are unmixy things for me.) Then on Saturday is a group bike/run brick workout. On Sunday I am resting!


Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! Congratulations on your increased speed. Isn't it nice to see your efforts paying off?

phillytrigirl said...

Sure does! Not sure it's a long-term gain though.