Sunday, April 13, 2008


I think I took Thursday off. Is it bad that I can't remember?

Friday I took my clipless shoes (now with cleats!) and did the 45 min spin session with them. It was really interesting to see which parts were easier and which were still hard. I liked it. I still haven't gotten the pedals on my bike, but that isn't the end of the world.

Saturday was the swim clinic. Really interesting and I learned a whole lot. Got some spiffy new tools too. I still had feelings of inadequacy in the pool for lo the water still freaks me right out when trying to breathe. I didn't get into the lane where they were taping, but at some point the camera did pan over to me a little. Good news is I had pretty good form when I was swimming. I just have to work on the breathing thing. Everyone assures me it will get better and I will manage it. I hope so! It was a gorgeous day. When I got home after swimming I looked at putting my new pedals on, but I didn't have the right tools. I did clean my chain though with some new lube. Last time I rode my bike on Easter I was squeaking so I wanted to fix that.

Today I ran 6 miles in 76 minutes. I'm about where I was for the 10k run. Unfortunately I have positive splits, if I understand that correctly. My first mile was 11.5 min, but the time per mile steadily increased until the end. About the only good thing from my perspective was trying out my Tropical Fruit flavored Cytomax. Which is pretty tasty!

My goals for this coming week are to get in the pool as many times as possible, even if I'm not working on any drills or techniques. I will be doing the dry land drills, and possibly that's all I will focus on this week for actual swimming. I think I'll aim to run 3 miles again. If the weather's nice I might skip the spin dvd and just go for a bike ride for the short one. This Saturday has a Rookie Tri Group brick, I think. I like to have my long workouts on Sunday, but I'll just have to get over it for this week.

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