Thursday, August 28, 2008

Workshops and Triathlons and Training, Oh My!

Well. I have not been remiss in training, even though I have been quite remiss in posting! I'll start from today and go back in time.

I received my new Terry bicycle seat in the mail today! I will shortly be putting the Butterfly Tri on my bike. I may or may not get to ride it today, but I will ride it before the weekend is out!

Also, I am planning to sign up for a ChiRunning workshop. I'll attend with S, and it'll be led by the master dude who wrote the book. I am still having issues with running, and a workshop should really help.

Yesterday I ran 3.5 miles. I was going to attempt 5, but then the sun was going down making it too hard to see so I was going to settle for 4 miles, but then my body rejected that notion after 3.5 miles so I walked the remaining .5 mile back to the car. This is why I need to do the workshop!

Tuesday I went for a 25 mile bike ride. I wanted to turn it into a brick workout, but didn't have enough time to do that and still get ready for work. Pleased with myself, though!

Monday I got 50 minutes in the pool. I was focusing more on backstroke than worrying about freestyling since I'll probably be doing more back work than crawl work in the race, but toward the end I was working on freestyle and did 5 laps free, one lap back, and 10 laps free, so I was pleased with that. My goal is to go camping this weekend (still need a tent and to decide which campground I want) to practice open water swimming to the extent I can.

Sunday I sherpa'd for S at the Irongirl Columbia MD tri. It's fun getting up when the sun still hasn't thought about making an appearance. I managed to cheer for her at every leg, although I didn't get pictures for the run or the bike. I also cheered for everyone I could on the bike leg, since I remember how much it helped my state of mind when people I didn't know cheered for me.

Last Saturday I went on a long bike ride with S's husband J through Rock Creek Park. We did about 26 miles! It's nice to train with someone.

Last week... what did I do? I know I went to Lake Beltzville to get some swimming in. There were a lot of people so that made it less fun. Which is why I need to try it again before the lakes closer swimming options after Labor Day. I got a 3 mile run in on Sunday. I know I got some pool time in, and I know I got some bike time in. Don't remember much more than that!

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