Sunday, August 17, 2008

Less Than A Month To Go


So it's technically Sunday morning, August 17. Let's see where I am in terms of race preparedness.

I have gotten NO swimming in since August 8, thanks to the pool being closed. Also, a moment to reflect on the fabulous schedule for next week: 7:30-10:30 M-F.

I have not run more than 3 miles in the last 2 weeks. Now to be fair, I have actually run a bunch of times, but generally in a 2 mile block. Especially since for some reason my knee was hurting last weekend and I didn't want to push it. Knee is feeling better now. I also did a few brick workouts in the gym; spinning bike to treadmill.

I had not biked more than 60 minutes since the triathlon, I think. Sweet! That'll get it done.

I'm going to pretend it's Saturday still, since I haven't gone to bed yet. Yesterday I went to the bike shop so I could get a new floor pump, more inner tubes, more Gel Blasts, new SPD cleats, and other things I bought on a whim (Camelbak backpack!). Friday night I worked on replacing the back inner tube on Violet, since I broke the tip off the valve stem the last time I changed it. I also lubed the chain before I put the tire back on. It went much smoother this time, incurring no tears. I put the new cleat on one shoe, and could not figure out where I put the other shoe. I watched more olympics and then went to bed. I still could not find what I did with my other shoe so I went back to the store to buy new ones late this afternoon. I think I might actually like the new ones better than the old ones! I ended up with these Forte Mountain Bike Shoes. I rushed home, put the cleats on, and then rushed to the park to get in 20 miles. I made pretty good time, the weather was great, and life was good. I got to Conshohocken and slowed down to see the damage from the 8 Alarm Apartment Complex fire from Wednesday. I unclipped at the 10 mile mark to turn around and had some technical difficulties. Fortunately I also got a new little tool kit and was able to use it to tighten the screws on my new cleats. (What is it with me and the screws on my shoes? Sheesh!) It got dark on my return trip, and I finished the last 5 miles in the dark, which was a little bit scary since I have no headlight. I was able to use the Damselfly seat for the 2nd time, but I am still going to exchange it for something else. (Even though I'm over the 30 day return limit. I called on the 15th to see if it would be possible to still exchange and the nice Terry people are going to let me do that.)

I was hoping to go camping this weekend at a campground with a lake so I could practice open water swimming as well as transitioning to all 3 sports. Unfortunately it took me a long long time to get my bike stuff together and I don't want to camp Sunday into Monday. What I will try to do instead is to just go for the day tomorrow. I have to look at the options again as I had been only looking for lakes with camping. Now I will look for lakes with biking and leave the camping for some other weekend. If I can do that I think it'll set me up for hope to finish Nation's.

I need to turn off the Olympics, but they are so exciting! And they're only every 4 years! And there's some amazing history being made! It's totally messing up my sleep schedule though.

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