Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Saddle!

I needed a new saddle for my bike, because the one that came with it is hurting the nerves. My friend L suggested I get a saddle from Terry Bicycles because they have a generous trial period. I can try it out for 30 days, and if it doesn't work for me in that time I can return it and get another one. So I ordered the Damselfly saddle. Partly because dragonflies are part of my new work logo, and partly because the description sounded good. Also partly because it's pretty. I should have it in 3 - 5 days! I'm very excited!

Today I got an hour in at the pool. I took my time and wasn't concentrating on freestyling, just wanted to get some solid pool time. My arms are pleasantly sore. I was supposed to have a long enough break this afternoon to get a run in, but now I have work interrupting so I might just try to go after work. If it's too dark by the time I get out I'll have to aim for tomorrow instead. Plus I'm going to see if S can walk me through changing the flat on my tire tonight so I can get a good bike ride in tomorrow. Think I'll stop by Barnes & Noble this evening to check out triathlon books.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, glad to hear you're getting a new saddle. I put on my new Butterfly Tri Gel today, and it's comfy. I also discovered I could tilt the nose of the saddle down a little, which was probably more helpful than the new saddle. Now I feel like I'm sitting on my sit bones, not my crotch! It's a real revelation. -L