Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh May, why you gotta be like April?

I had good intentions this weekend to get some good biking and running in. Alas.

I intended to run 6 miles on Sunday. I'm a little bored on the path so I was going to run 1.5 miles up and back in one direction, and then run 1.5 miles up and back in the other direction. I was 2 miles into the run when the heavens opened up and dumped on me. Now I'm not a shrinking violet, but I was running through the woods and was a little concerned about potential lightning with all those trees. Since I also was having a really hard time with my pacing I decided just to give up and go home after 3 miles. Monday morning when I woke up I was very sore in my quads. I don't know if it was a nutrition thing, an hydration thing, or what, but I was not happy. Still hurts a little bit today even.

I think we are getting far more rain in May than we did in April, weather adages or no. Today I figured I was going to be wet anyway so might as well go to the pool. I started in the deep end to work on sculling and open water "techniques". Then I went over to a lane for laps. I am still far from where I would like my stamina to be. It's very hard work! I'll be able to get another pool session in Thursday and Friday. If the rain cooperates I will bike outside tomorrow. If it doesn't, and my lazy tendencies don't interfere, I'll do a spin session at the gym.

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