Monday, March 17, 2008

Trying Out Clipless Pedals

I had a great time in DC this past weekend. We didn't get huge amounts of workout time in, but I was given the opportunity to try out S's Fuji road bike and clipless pedal shoes (I forget what brand).

First I needed S's husband J to adjust the seat for me. Then he hooked the bike up to his trainer so I could get a quick and dirty lesson on using the toepicks clipless pedals. He also instructed me on shifting gears, since it's a much different system from my current bike.

Finally we got the kids in the bike trailer and off we went! We biked on a few rails-to-trails paths, particularly the Capital Crescent Trail from Silver Spring to Bethesda. Unlike the bicycle path I use at Valley Forge, the rails-to-trails paths are not yet paved and instead are covered in gravel. This made the ride quite interesting, since S's bike has very skinny tires. I did just fine, although I didn't use the shifters much since I was concentrating on staying on the bike so I wouldn't fall over and break my neck. I managed to clip and unclip at the traffic lights without incident.

We did the same trip last year, only I think I used my own bike. There is a slight but steady incline from their house to Bethesda; last year I didn't think I could make it, but this time when we reached our destination I felt great! How much of that is from training vs the better bike I don't know, especially since I haven't worked out much lately.

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