Saturday, June 14, 2008

Much Like A Slumber Party

Not a lot of slumber going on....

I'm sitting on S's couch next to my friend H. We've gone to REI where I purchased some Zoot tri apparel. I now have this tri top, and this or something like it tri shorts. I got a race belt while I was at it. I wish REI carried Accel Gel packs because the one I tried wasn't too sweet and also had protein, but they carry other Accelerade and Endurox products so I purchased some sport drinks and some powder to try out.

We have to get up really early in the morning, but instead of getting our stuff together S is probably sleeping in her son's room, her DH is taking a look at my bike, I'm updating you, and H is reading an issue of Triathlete Magazine. Poor planning on our part.

On the positive planning front, we had pasta for dinner. I am practicing my race day breakfast of a Cashew Turtle candy. I have found that the chocolate, caramel, and cashews make a good choice, but I haven't tried it as fuel for more than my short training distances. In addition to my regular water bottles I will take coconut water and my nuun tablets, maybe even the Acclerade drink I bought today, but I won't add or prep the non water stuff until I see how it goes tomorrow. We'll have plenty of time to sort stuff out, it seems.

8:30-9 AM Check in and welcome
9-10 AM Swim discussion; open water swim
10-11 AM Bike course discussion; bike course ride
11 AM-12 PM Run course discussion; run course run
12-12:30 PM Transition practice
12:30–1 PM Lunch (provided) and open question forum

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