Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

I am trying to get back to triathlon, or at least back to activity, now that my body isn't trying to reenact the Dead Parrot sketch.

I originally thought I would try to start my new year out with a 3 mile run, but I changed my mind and only ran a little more than 1 mile. I ran the whole way without stopping, which is pretty good. I still don't like running. I didn't expect that would magically change, but I thought maybe now that my health is getting better I would feel more gazelle-like. I did not. Oh well. After my run I met up with a friend who lives in that area and we walked around for roughly another 3 miles. We were quite satisfied with ourselves.

I'm feeling somewhat sore today, although I figured I would. I'm more feeling discomfort in my shins than anywhere else. I was trying to do more mid-foot striking than heel-striking, as a couple of years ago I really gave myself some bad shin splints/compartment syndrome, but it's a work in progress.

While the weather is mild today we're going to work on weather-stripping and putting up the shrink-wrap plastic stuff on my doors and windows so I won't go broke with my heating bills. I'll consider that an "upper-body workout". Yeah.

Here's to 2011.

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