Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day 2008

My polling location is not too far from the house, so I thought I should bike there. I figured since I was going to be out anyway, why not pack my running gear along too? Then I could go bike to my favorite trail after voting and get a brick session in!

I have not been on my bicycle in a while. Last time I was cycling the pedals were squeaking at me again. (I don't understand what my problem is with shoes/pedals - it's always something!) Quickly got them relubricated and away I went. I took my lock and cable with me; awkwardly trying to attach it to the sport sack holding my running shoes. The cable was a pain and didn't quite work so well. Oh well, off I go. Whoa that's more work than I'm used to! I got half-way up a hill and decided it'd be easier to go the other way. Turn around, go the other way, get half-way up the other hill and need to take a breather. I was on Violet, too, so you can see how pathetic I was/am. Sit down, drink some water, try to fuss with the cable again, walk the bike up the rest of the hill part, fuss with the cable again, and finally keep on going. I arrived at the church and "parked" my bike against a basketball hoop pole. Changed into my running shoes (because cleats on the ground make an annoying sound) and went inside. This whole time the weather was pleasant and sunny.

I came out of the polling place, talked to a neighbor for a couple of minutes, and suddenly there was rain! Nooo! Changed my shoes, got back on the bike, and started toward the park/home. It got really chilly and unfun. I, being the laziest lazy person in lazystan, decided to bag the workout and come home. The plan was to grab some lunch and go to the gym. But did I do that? I did not!

Now I've run out of time to go to the gym first. (Un?)Fortunately this is a very light work day. I will have to run tonight to make up for today's lackluster performance. I have to run tonight. Silly woman, don't I understand I have six weeks until Race Day? According to Hal Higdon's Novice Plan, today is a 2.5 mile run. (I'd move on to the intermediate plan, but I'm not ready to do fartleks yet.) Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Sandi said...

At least you biked there to begin with; that should count for something, shouldn't it?

We were also having beautiful weather this morning that turned really ugly in the afternoon. It hasn't actually started raining yet, but it's been dark enough to be nighttime for the past 3 hours...

I'm quite familiar with lazystan. I visit there frequently. I keep trying to get rid of that second home I have there, but I still keep going back.

I guess I missed that you have another race coming up. Get busy, young lady! You have work to do! Hup, two, three, four! Good luck.